Available Speeches & Presentations
We are available to do presentations on a wide variety of topics and frequently do so to a range of organizations whose stakeholders are interested in down to earth, practical, expert educational sessions including but not limited to:
- Health systems and hospitals, including medical staff, board, and administration retreats
- Professional societies and organizations
- Medical group practices
- Health plans and MCOs
- Employer and business coalitions
Presentations can take a wide variety of formats from a half hour keynote address, to a full day program of seven hours. All can be customized for specific purposes and contexts. The following are timely, popular topics:
Alignment and Clinical Integration
- Using Patient Safety Organizations to Further Clinical Integration
- Clinical Integration: Self-Assessment, and More
- Clinical Integration: A Continuum and Techniques
- Engaging Physicians in Quality and Value
- How Hospitals Can Pay Physicians for Quality
- Understanding the Physician Mindset - six minutes
- Physicians Leading Change: Toward What End? - one hour
- Non-Employment Hospital-Physician Alignment Strategies: Co-Management, Leasing the Practice, and More
- In Common Cause for Quality: New Strategies for Hospitals and Physicians to Help Each Other's Business Case for Quality
- Performance Measurement and Clinical Integration: How Do These Relate?
- Rethinking the Role of the Medical Staff in The New Quality Era
- The Quality/Compliance Nexus: Avoiding the Leading Edge of Fraud and Abuse While Doing Right
- Report Cards, Performance Measurement and Transparency: Challenges and Implications
- The Board’s Responsibility for Quality: What Does It Really Mean? (PH&S 3 Bd Qual..pdf)
Bundled Payment
- Contracting for Bundled Payment
- Governance Issues in Bundled Payment: Avoiding Food Fights
- Beyond P4P: Bundled Payment Models including PROMETHEUS Payment®
Health Information Technology
- Electronic Health Records: Licenses and Donations
- HIPAA Privacy and Security
- Breach Notification
- Using Social Media Carefully and Effectively
- The Roles and Obligations of The Business Associate
Fraud and Abuse
- Hospital-Physician Financial Relationships: Avoiding Trouble While Producing Value
- Gainsharing, Compliance Training and More: How Hospitals Can Help Physicians and Stay Safe.
- Stark Myths Debunked
- Stark Compliant Compensation
- Antikickback Statute including the safe harbors, how it differs from Stark, structuring useful business relationships
- Avoiding False Claims Liability
- Quality as a Fraud and Abuse Issue
- The Real Deal on Compliance: Lowering the Hysteria and Debunking the Myths
Reimbursement and Payment
- Physician Compensation: State of the Art
- Avoiding Pitfalls In Medicare Enrollment
- Medicare Diagnostic Testing Rules: Metaphysics and Practicalities
- Part B Reimbursement for Physicians (all issues)
- Understanding and Negotiating Managed Care Contracts
- Non-Physician Practitioners and Physicians: ‘Incident to’ and More
Other Issues
- The Board's Role in Quality
- Board and Medical Staff Engagement for Value
- Using Medical Staff Bylaws to Propel Quality
- Physician Employment Contracts
- Pitfalls and Controversies in Medical Staff Bylaws
- Understanding Contracts: The Glue of Business Relationships